Unit 4 Self-Test

Legal Basis of Parliament

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1. Many important elements of the Westminster model are based on conventions, these do NOT include:

   the government should resign after a non-confidence vote

   the Prime Minister should be a member of Parliament

   the Party with the most seats should be the Official Opposition

   the Crown should appoint the Government

2. There are four basic functions of parliament, these are:

   examine proposals for new laws; vote on taxation; scrutinize government policy and administration; debate the major issues of the day

   examine proposals for new laws; vote on taxation; hire government workers; debate major issues of the day

   examine proposals for new laws; increase taxes; scrutinize government policy and administration; debate major issues of the day

   examine proposals for new laws; vote on taxation; scrutinize government policy and administration; debate for TV broadcast

3. The restriction on Backbenchers proposing legislation is done through one of two ways. The first is to restrict the time available for the consideration of non-government bills. The second is:

   only the Executive can approve bills

   only the Opposition can agree to hear the Bill

   only the Executive can introduce money bills

   only the Crown can agree to introduce the Bill

4. The "power of the purse" means that Parliament can:

   raise moeny with the Crown's consent

   raise money without the Crown's consent

   raise money with the consent of the people

   raise money with the consent of the House of Commons

5. This is a unique time in Parliament when the government is forced to answer questions:

   question period

   open debate

   election time

   TV debates

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