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based on a paper prepared by John K. Johnson and Robert T. Nakamura for UNDP,
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areas) 1911 and 1949 Parliament Acts Qualification of Women Act of 1918 Equal Franchaise Act of 1928 Parliamentary Politics and Reform in South Asia (India, Pakistan,
Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal) Peter Weber, "Labour's Great Britain: Remodelling Westminster" (University College London) The Constitution Unit. "Constitutional
Update: House of Lords Reform" "A House for the Future: Royal Commission on the Reform of
the House of Lords" Other Models of Governance The English Bill of Rights, 1689 South Africa Bill of Rights (1996) The American Presidential System The South African System The Mixed French System (Assemblée nationale and Senate) The Israeli Parliamentary System (The Knesset) The French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
(1789) The United States Bill of Rights (1789) The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (1982) Web sites on national parliaments Australia. Macquarie University. "A Comparison of the Australian,
British, and American Political Systems" New Zealand Government Online New Zealand Parliament UNDP. Parliamentary Strengthening Reference Manual. "Governing
Systems and Executive-Legislative Relations" UNDP. Parliamentary Strengthening Reference Manual. "Legislative
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